Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 (part 1)

What a year it has been!  2011 began with me thinking about 'doing' something more with my jewellery, (just because I was never going to wear everything that I was making).  I applied to attend some markets, with lots of encouragement from some friends, thanks Sonia, Keri and Majane!

The market experience was amazing.  I very quickly realised that my display was terrible so I worked on improving it.  I still am, as I don't think anyone would ever be completely happy with the layout of their stall, I certainly am not!  But it definitely looks better than the first market I went to at The Valley Market. 

I have learnt about writing applications and taking photos (I am terrible ~ thanks Keri for the wonderful photos you have taken for me).  I am still struggling with the whole pricing and 'selling myself' thing but I guess it is a gradual learning process and one I need to keep working on.

The type of jewellery I make has changed and evolved and I hope will continue to do so.  I still love doing all sorts of different techniques but I really love working with silver, piercing, forging, soldering, and forming and of course working with glass.  I have found that combining these things with the use of gemstones has been a wonderful transition.

Hmmm..what do I make though?  Well the basic pieces such as necklaces, rings and bracelets have been added to.  My work now includes, lanyards, rings, hat/scarf pins, bag charms, key rings, bookmarks, wine charms and glasses chains.

Oh there is so much to cover from 2011 that I think I might add to it in another post!

Have a good night all and I will catch up with you in the morning with next 5 daily gratitudes! :)